Friday, April 29, 2022

We are Rome


From far away it seems a dream, a mirage, a hallucination that is familiar, but the colors are all wrong.  The music is in 7/8 instead of 3/4.  What once was 4k footage is now grainy black and white moving at 24 frames per second.

The vision is jangled.  What was once the USSR is now the USSA.  1979 to 1989 becomes 2001-2021.  The flushing of Blood and Treasure is the same but at an even greater scale.

The mountains remain.  Opium poppies spread in the valleys. The innocents still die for no reason.

I have heard historians describe the Soviet Afghan war as the "Vietnam" of the USSR.

Perhaps, they have it backwards

20 months passed between the withdrawal from Afghanistan till the final collapse of the Soviets.

The Soviet Afghan war did not kill the USSR in much the same way COVID 19 did not kill 94-year-old nursing home residents. 

The time had come.  It certainly did not help. 

But the time line was short to begin with.

“On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to Zero”

The lifetime of an empire is fixed.  They cannot last forever.  But only with the gift of hindsight can we peg the exact moment they ceased.

The warning signs of the cancer that eats them however are nearly universal. 

Profligate spending in the face of near certainty of bankruptcy.

Moral declines completely unimaginable a decade ago.

Complete abandonment of the principles that allowed their creation.

A legal system with laws for the many but not the 1%.

Senators of every stripe brazenly and hopelessly corrupt.

Former productive patriot citizens slowly go Galt.

Hordes of migrants with no allegiance to the empire flow in as a dam break.

Former Generals walk away rather than fight.

Citizens pacified by EBT and NFL, the modern bread and circus

Complete and total debasement of the currency.

Caesars so mentally ill they would not be left in charge of bringing the livestock in.

Roads and aqueducts abandoned to the elements, rather than be repaired.

We are Rome.

And we are living in it's last days

Comments section here is the sandbox at preschool...y'all tards wanna throw sand in each others eyes, knock yourself out.....find your own hose.

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